Thursday, December 13, 2007

I Am Legend

Young's Review

New York is one of the biggest cities in the world. Maybe that is why it is so shocking to see the booming metropolis reduced to a one man town.

That is the case in 'I Am Legend', as Robert Neville (Will Smith) makes up the Big Apple's population after a viral epidemic wipes out the planet. We have seen this type of isolation before in films such as 'Castaway' and '28 Days Later', and it requires a big time performance from the lead actor.

Fortunately, Smith is up to the task, and I am giving the film a 'thumbs up'.

Neville leads a solitary life with his dog Sam. The two patrol the city each day, keeping busy by hunting and going to the video store. Each day at noon, Neville goes to the docks and puts out a message via radio to see if anyone is out there. Getting no response, he calls it a day and heads home. That is when he goes on lockdown, because at night the zombies come out to play.

We find out that Neville is a scientist, and that he is searching for a cure to the virus that caused the good people of New York to turn into crazed, blood-thirsty monsters. He tests his vaccine on rats and then moves on to an infected human. On a night that he is feeling frisky, Neville goes and seeks the zombies out. He is rescued from a brutal attack by a woman named Anna (Alice Braga) and her son (Charlie Tahan). Upon finding other uninfected humans, Neville's resolve is strengthened. The problem is, the zombies now know where he lives.

This film relies heavily on Smith's performance. A top notch actor is a must because of all the non-verbal communication required of the role. Smith captures Neville's conflicting mindset perfectly. Neville has to be self-sufficient but starts to go a little crazy from the lonely prison to which he is confined. Smith is amazing and, in my humble opinion, worth the price of admission alone. He shows again why he is one of the most versatile actors in the business.

Director Francis Lawrence (making his second feature film after a career mainly working on music videos) and cinematographer Andrew Lesnie create a visually stunning backdrop for Neville. The site of a barren New York is mind boggling. The spectacular special effects don't hurt, either. The zombies and infected dogs are appropriately creepy, and there are several startling moments that made me jump. Lawrence does a good job of keeping the story moving forward, not an easy task considering the limited diologue.

Although the ending will not please everyone, it fits with the rest of the story. After all is said and done, Neville is certainly worthy of "legend" status.

I really liked this film. I will add this diclaimer, however: while zombies stir up thoughts of a horror movie, I recommend this film more to fans of the science fiction genre.

Wilsford's Review
Thumb: Down

Notable Characters:
Will Smith – Dr. Robert Neville

Reasons why I didn’t like it:
· The movie conflicted with itself of what it was trying to be, hopefully I can explain. The first half of the movie we don’t really see monsters and, to me, this is where the movie is trying to show itself as being a “realistic” and serious movie. Then the monsters show up all computer animated and suddenly the movie becomes a regular shoot-em up zombie movie. If you are going to tell me that the movie is one way then have it be that way through out.
· The monsters where ridiculous in their appearance and abilities. The computer animation was horrible did not believe the vampyric zombies were real at all. Actually the only time they looked real as when they used a real person, maybe they should have done that all along. Also apparently all of mankind has been wiped out so what are these monster supposed to be eating? Am I to believe that they have lasted about 2 years slowly picking off people? Also after not eating much am I also to believe that they can run incredibly fast, climb walls that are flat, and break bullet proof glass with their heads? I know that these are all fantastical things and if this movie had portrayed itself like that from the beginning I would have different opinion. However it didn’t, it tried to pass itself being a serious apocalypse movie and that is what I am judging it by.

Reason why I liked it:
· Will Smith was awesome. Always thought he was a good actor and he did not disappoint me.

Final Notes: I really love zombie movies. It was really hard for me to give this a thumb down. However, as stated before, I felt that this movie pulled a 180 on me and I don’t like that. If you are going to be serious be serious, if you are going to be outlandish then be outlandish. You can’t be both.

P.S. - I finally finished my "No Country For Old Men" review

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