Saturday, January 19, 2008


Wilsford's Review

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Notable Characters:
Doesn’t matter.

Plot (contains spoilers):
During a going away party, a monster arrives in New York and starts some massive destruction. We follow a group of four as they make their way through the city avoiding the monster and his minions trying to save the love interest of one of the characters.

Reason why I didn’t like it:
• It was a low budget movie. Which means that you got some low budget performances though I think the performances weren’t that bad.

Reasons why I liked it:
• Awesome! I usually hate using exclamation points but I can’t help myself. If you are looking for something to make you think and/or feel emotional, then you need to 1) stay away and 2) lighten up. This is a monster movie and it delivered.
• Oddly enough I love the way it was filmed. I know it is Blair Witch-esque, but the way it was done kept up the suspense and saved the audience some real gore, which would make this more appealing to wider audience.
• J.J. Abrams knows how to tell a story.

Final Notes:
The last couple of movies that I have been excited about have been lame. Finally the streak has ended. This was a sweet movie that I might actually spend money to see again.


Anonymous said...

they aren't minions, they are parasites that the monster scrapes off of himself

Anonymous said...

Same thing. Don't you have anything else to do than nit-pick semantics?